Personal Improvement
New Years Resolution | Soul-Talk
1:19 PM
It has been more than a month since I haven’t written anything. It’s been a bad period for me in terms of morale so I decided to write a bit about that.
There are moments in life where we feel like we’re only falling, as if there is no way out of our own thinking; you don’t feel like doing anything, you don’t have any emotions, you feel like you’re not there at all. Different people react differently to this, but in my case, I just worry about it and get sad about it, making it even worse.
When we don’t expect it, our body starts to get weak, and our mind almost ‘shuts down’ for a while. This is a sign from our body that we need to take it easy, or change something, because unconsciously, we have accumulated very much through our lifetime (stress, worries, sadness, name it). I’ve been very focused on work this year. I graduated in the summer and handed in my long-awaited dissertation, then had a summer internship, and finally moved to a new city for a longer-term job. I haven’t realised, but this has impacted my health lately. The transition from uni to full-time work and a new city has really played a role in this.
So how do I cope with this?
First of all, realise it’s just a period in life, which is going to get better. Stressing over this will only enhance this feeling. Accept the way you feel and be patient with yourself. Trust me, this is the way to go and I know it’s difficult!
Take some time off for yourself! These days, it’s mostly about constantly doing something, working, cooking, texting etc, that our mind doesn’t get a break. Take a moment to do things that don’t require too much thought, but that connect you more to yourself. For example I like taking a relaxing bath, reading, maybe writing a journal (if that helps), walking in the park (it really helps being out in nature). Meditation also helps! You don't need to do much, just be more aware of yourself :)
Accept where you are in this moment. I’m very idealistic in nature, so I’m having a tough time to find something that I like (job, place to live etc.). I always think about what will happen next in my life, and that it can be better than what I currently have. But it’s important to take every step as a chance to develop as everything makes you stronger, smarter. Just find how you can make the best out of what you currently have. There will always be opportunity for better, and this will happen if we learn to live with the present better.
So this is it for now. We all have difficult times which we have to go through with determination. Hope this has helped anyone who's going through something similar and not only.
I wish you a have an amazing & peaceful week!