bikini body workout
core workout
fitness motivation
fitness plan
leg workout
tone it up
TRX training
weight training
workout music
workout plan
workout songs
Fitness Ready
4:09 PM
To follow a program or not?
You don't have to follow a program if that's not for you, sometimes I find that following a program can get boring. There are so so many videos on YouTube that make workouts a bit more fun:
- Tiffany Rothe's are quite fun and interactive, I just started doing some of her workouts recently (THIS is one of my favourites).
- Blogilates videos are really good as well, I like the ones that focus on specific parts of your body rather than the cardio ones
- For a more girly feel try the Tone It Up girls' workouts, they're really fun, although I find most of them quite easy at this stage, but they're perfect if you haven't worked out for a while or just starting out

Don't have a gym?
I am lucky to have a gym in the apartment I just moved into, but I know it can be a pain to have to come home after work and then leave for the gym. If that's not on your list, then follow the hundreds of YouTube workouts and try to incorporate a bit of cardio and strength training. I usually use the ones above, as well as Fitness Blender (I LOVE their workouts, they really make you sweat). I used to do this one a lot in the past couple of weeks as I had just moved in my new home.
Have a playlist you really like
I like to have songs that make me dance, but get bored of them quite quickly if I listen to the same playlist almost every day. So what I found useful is to make a few playlists on Spotify. This was I can switch them up and I can also find new songs and add them to my playlist.
Here's what I currently listen to:
Thanks for reading & have an amazing workout!
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